Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra
Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra

Wanderings - guest performance

Fri 29.1. | 19.00

Tomas Djupsjöbacka, conductor
Annemarie Åström, violin
Jukka-Pekka Peltoniemi, trumpet

Jean Sibelius
• Rakastava, op. 14
Juha T. Koskinen
• Omaggio a Smilla per violino, tromba e archi
Konsta Jylhä
• Kruunu-Marjaanan polska
Minna Järvelä
• Tiskivalssi
Käki-Jaakon polkka (trad.) ¬– Tuikkauspolkka (trad.) – Konsta Jylhä: Nikkarin polkka
Gabriela Lena Frank
• Leyendas: An Andean Walkabout

Wanderings - guest performance

Tomas Djupsjöbacka, conductor
Annemarie Åström, violin
Jukka-Pekka Peltoniemi, trumpet

The concert takes us on a journey from the Kalevala lands of song to the Andean highlands. The OCO is conducted by Tomas Djupsjöbacka, new chief conductor of the Vaasa City Orchestra. 

Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the concert is streamed live, without any live audience in the concert hall. 

Yle radio 1 broadcastes the concert live.