Open position: tutti II violin
We have an open position for
tutti II violin
The audition will take place on Thursday 23rd of May 2024 at 10am at Raatihuone, Mannerheiminaukio 4, Kokkola, Finland. The position will be filled from the 1st of September 2024 or by arrangement.
- 1st movement with cadenzas from one of the following concertos: W. A. Mozart: Concerto No 3, 4 or 5
- A piece free of choice (duration 10 min, accompanied or non-accompanied)
- Orchestra and chamber music excerpts which can be requested from 2nd of May onwards from matti.vanhamaki@kamariorkesteri.fi
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 15th of May 2024 at 4pm. Applications to be sent to marjukka.puutio@kamariorkesteri.fi. Applications should include a short CV with contact information. Applicants must also mention the concerto of their choice. An accompanist will be provided by the orchestra if requested by applicant.
More information:
General Manager Marjukka Puutio,
tel. +358 400 630166 (Mon - Fri at 8am – 4pm)