Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra
Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra

Christmas Oratorio

Vapaa pääsy kausikortilla.

Fri 15.12.2023 | 19.00

Topi Lehtipuu, conductor & tenor
Kaisa Ranta, soprano
Lucile Richardot, alto
Tomi Punkeri, bass
Keski-Pohjanmaan Kamarikuoro,
leader Marita Kaakinen

Johann Sebastian Bach
• Christmas Oratorio (Cantatas I-III), BWV 249

Christmas Oratorio

Topi Lehtipuu, conductor & tenor
Kaisa Ranta, soprano
Lucile Richardot, alto
Tomi Punkeri, bass
Keski-Pohjanmaan Kamarikuoro,
leader Marita Kaakinen

The Christmas Oratorio by J.S. Bach is one of the greatest works in all Western music. Heralded in with drums and trumpets, it captures the very essence of the joyful Christmas message. The conductor and tenor soloist will be one of Finland’s most celebrated Baroque singers, Topi Lehtipuu.

Season tickets for sale from 26th of May. Buy your season ticket HERE.

Single tickets for sale fom 1st of August.